Support the Bible Museum
If you like the idea and vision of the World Museum and Bible Library, we would like to ask you for help in implementing this project. Everything is very demanding, so we would like you to decide to support the project. Keep in mind that you do not support "us" but "the work of God".
The whole project is very expensive. That is why, we are very thankful for any financial contribution (one-time and / or regular). The funds cover
(and will cover) the entire project of the Bible Museum and Library.
The costs include:
- implementation of the Bible Museum project and other interesting projects
- costs of operation
energy, operating costs (promotion, telecommunications), etc.
- the acquisition of interesting types of Bibles and Christian literature and more
- costs involving the technical equipment around the museum
showcases, technical background, etc.
- implementation of accompanying activities
exhibitions, lectures, discussions for schools, etc.
- labor costs of employees and co-workers
- and other costs related to the construction (actual operation) of the museum and its branches
- Will you help us?
How to Support the Bible Museum
You can support the Bible Museum and its specific projects in any way that suits you best. We are grateful for any support for the Bible Museum project. May the Lord God
bless your gifts!
So choose the most advantageous variant of your support:
- Bible Museum Friends Club - the most suitable option
- Regular or one-time donation - projects and operating expenses
- Buying Bricks - Projects and operating expenses
- Purchase of partners' products or services - projects and operating expenses
Bible Museum Friends Club
Join the Bible Museum's Friend Club, support the spread of God's work around the world, and work with us to bring the gospel closer to the people around us. We are not indifferent to how people around us are living, how many people know nothing about the Bible, and especially about Jesus and his sacrifice for each one of us.
A large number of people are experiencing difficult life stories, have no hope for the future and no certainty. That is why we would very much like these people to know who the Lord Jesus is and what he can offer them...
However, if you do not want to become a member of the Bible Museum Friends Club, but still want to support the Bible Museum and Library and its connected
projects, you can use other support options...
There are several reasons why the Bible Museum Friends Club was founded:
- we want to bring God's Word - the Bible as close to people as possible
- we try to show Jesus to as many people as possible
- we are sharing God's offer to help each one of us
- we encourage believers who are in difficult life situations or who are serving Jesus already
- we work closely with others who are not indifferent to the fate of their surroundings
- we share with other believers the experience of serving the Lord
- and many other reasons :-)
What you will support by being a part of the Bible Museum Friends Club:
- permanent exhibitions of the Bible Museum in Jablunkov and other places in the future
- a unique traveling exhibition that shares the Bible and Jesus
- information campaigns for children, young and adults that share Jesus
- a cycle of projects and activities for narrow target groups (i.e. youth)
- a comprehensive series of life stories or biblical lectures
- motivational meetings and sharing experiences with believers of all denominations with a goal of spreading God's work in the Czech Republic and abroad as effectively as possible
- and much more...
How to become a member and support
the activities of the Bible Museum
Just send us an e-mail with your details and register:
- Name, surname, title
- Street
- Postcode and city
- Country
- Phone / mobile
- Membership monthly fee (from 100,- CZK or 4 Euro)
- Note
- access to a unique database where we share our experiences of being a part of God's work
- a small discount on select products and services - like books and the Bible
- Free (voluntary) admission to the Bible Museum
- you can join the Bible Museum Friends Club at any time
- you can determine the amount of the regular membership fee yourself
- the minimum membership fee is CZK 100 (4 Euro) per month
- membership contributions support the Bible Museum projects
Regular or one-time donation
Help us to raise funds for the reconstruction of the World Bible Museum and Library and the implementation of the entire project. Learn more about the public collection below.
Payments from abroad:
- IBAN: CZ5620100000002300443224
- Variable Symbol: 555
- Name of the bank: Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1, Czech republic
- Payer's name, surname and address: Your identification data
Pay Pal:
- Pay-Pal International Payment Gateway:
Please provide your details:
- due to valid legislation
- name, last name, address, and the amount you want to contribute
- please send this information to our e-mail:
- Many thanks for your support!
Buy a brick and support the Bible Museum
Help us make a reality out of this unique global project which aims to create a quality and dignified place that will make the Bible and spiritual books accessible to the general public.
By "buying" one brick at your chosen price you will contribute to the preparation and realisation of the project - you will become a part of it! The funds cover (and will cover) the entire project of the Bible Museum and Library.
We are gradually "building a wall" of purchased bricks with the names of our donors...
The costs include:
- reconstruction (modification) of an Old Monastery in Jablunkov, which houses the Bible Museum
- costs of operation - energy, operating costs (promotion, telecommunications), etc.
- the acquisition of interesting types of Bibles and Christian literature
- costs involving the technical equipment around the museum (showcases, technical background, etc.)
- implementation of accompanying activities - other thematic exhibitions, lectures, discussions...
- labor costs of employees and co-workers
- and other costs related to the construction (actual operation) of the museum.
What to do:
- the procedure is very simple
- choose the amount you would like to support the Museum and Library project with
- send us your order with your details included
- Name, surname, title
- Street
- Postcode and city
- Country
- Phone / mobile
- Membership monthly fee (from 100,- CZK or 4 Euro)
- Note
What comes next?
- once we receive your order, we will send you the payment details
- we will send you a payment receipt as soon as we receive your payment
- then the brick will be placed in the Bible Museum
- on the brick you will be able to add a personal message