The World Bible Museum and Library
The Museum project has been in the process of preparation for several years. The World Bible Museum and Library is gradually creating a place with a high level of quality and dignity to house the unique Bible exhibits, spiritual books and many other attractions for the general public. The World Museum and Bible Library is also implementing other interesting projects that help people or which bring the Bible, Christianity and especially Jesus closer.
Library is also implementing other interesting projects that help people or which bring the Bible, Christianity and especially Jesus closer.
The World Bible Museum and Library owns an extensive collection of Bibles, Christian literature, paintings, children's and youth materials, and many other attractions.
They are gradually being made available to people of all ages. The entire collection is constantly expanded to include various attractions from around the world. It also cooperates
with many experts and volunteers from various parts of the world on selected projects.
You can also join the Bible Museum project!
The idea of a "dignified place" presenting and approaching the Bible, as well as its message, arose gradually, mainly thanks to the realization of the unique traveling exhibition The BIBLE YESTERDAY, TODAY and TOMORROW, which gradually visits the entire Czech and Slovak Republics. The exhibition began its journey in April of 2009 and has since visited dozens of towns and villages. The entire collection was constantly expanding (and still expanding) and therefore it was necessary to deal with its future.
God (who is the main author of the project) provided the idea of creating a permanent exhibition on the Bible and its message. Thanks to this exhibition, many items of interest can be viewed by visiters from all over the world.
We are aware of the value of this collection, but above all of the Bible and its message. People are still interested in true Christian (biblical) values. This was also the
reason why a suitable place for founding the Bible Museum was sought. This was finally found in the easternmost town of the Czech Republic, in the building of the
Old Monastery in Jablunkov ...
The Bible deserves a dignified place
The Bible is a topic that is extensive and above all its content helps many people. The Bible has greatly influenced our history, so it certainly deserves to have a dignified place that brings its origins, history and present closer.
We believe that with God's help and with the help of many partners and volunteers, we will gradually succeed in creating a dignified home for the Bibles, Christian literature, interesting projects and mainly for true spiritual values.
The project World Bible Museum and Library is based on an extensive collection and long-term experience. We have long-term plans and goals with the project. We are
glad that volunteers from all over the world are gradually joining the project. Anyone can join!
An extensive collection of Bibles and other exhibits
The project is based on an extensive collection of Bibles, Christian literature, paintings, materials for children and young people and many other attractions from around the world ... The oldest exhibits date back to the second half of the 16th century, namely the year 1540, 1549 and 1556-7 At present, the collection comprises approximately 5,000 exhibits in various formats and designs and is constantly expanding. At the moment, part of the collection goes on the exhibition The BIBLE YESTERDAY, TODAY and TOMORROW.
In addition to Bible exhibits and Christian literature, there are other exhibits related to the Bible and its message. You can see various maps, atlases, historical overviews, musical instruments, photographs. There are many materials :-).
Visit your first exhibition in Jablunkov, Czech Republic. On an area of nearly 200 m2 you can see interesting Bibles and spiritual books from around the world. Everything about the Bible including children's materials, maps, information panels, pictures and many other attractions for young and old...
Come visit the easternmost city of the Czech Republic The World Bible Museum and Library are located in the building of the old historical
monastery in Jablunkov. Currently, a large number of attractions are available. At the same time, other parts of the monastery are being
In Jablunkov you will see:

The Melantrich Bible
From the year 1549. One of
the most widespread editions

A torah scroll
That comes from Israel.
With a length of almost 17 meters.

Transcript of Bible
Transcribed by many people from
the Czech, Slovakia and abroad

The Gospel
of Mark
On cigarette paper

Jubilee Bible
Issued for anniversary of the
arrival of Cyril and Methodius

A Bible for prisoners
A Special Bible used
in Czech prisons

A Waterproof Bible
A special waterproof Bible

A Lego Bible
A Bible for children
with lego Bible stories
Objectives of the Bible Museum project
The Bible Museum is a long-term project - for several decades to come. We are glad that with God's help and with the help of many volunteers and partners, this project can gradually be made a reality. The Bible is a wonderful book, for many of us it is God's Word. It certainly deserves a dignified place. Therefore, we are gradually creating a home for the World Bible Museum and Library and its individual exhibitions and projects. Help us make this goal a reality!
Our goal is to gradually create the following thematic expositions:
As the Book of Books
Which describes the Bible, its history and it's message of course

Personality and Bible
A unique exposition focused
on important people

Art and the Bible
A unique exhibition
of fine art

For Children
A unique part focused
on children and families

The Grand Story
The whole story of the Bible from creation to the future

Jesus and the Bible
An exposition about the greatest character of human history

The Hope Park
A Park that focuses on the Bible and Its Content (Message)

In Our Culture
An exposition in each of the individual countries of the world
We are looking for other exhibits
Our goal is to gradually create a quality Museum and World-Class Library. We realize that this is a long-term issue.
That is why we are still looking for interesting exhibits of Bibles and Christian literature (of any age, condition, quantity, format, those with interesting stories, in different languages...), of course also various additional materials - i.e. musical instruments from Biblical times, maps, pictures, photos, children's materials, and other Bible and Christianity related attractions.
We are especially interested in:
- Bibles in different languages, of different ages and design (old and new :-) )
- Hymnals and songbooks
- Prayer books
- Cristian books
- Maps, atlases, historical overviews
- Pictures
- Materials for children, children's Bibles, coloring books, textbooks...
- Bible and Christianity items (eg candlesticks, musical instruments, etc.)
and anything else that could enrich the Museum project
With these items you can help the project by:
- donation
- long term lending
offer to sell
What to do:
- in case of rental - contact us!
- in case of offer for purchase - contact us!
- in case of donation - you can contact us or send items directly to our address. We will then send you a donation certificate.
Reconstruction of the Bible Museum and the Old Monastery
The Bible Museum is housed in the Old Monastery building. It is a monument from the mid-19th century.
Interesting history of the Old Monastery
Since the reforms of Joseph II, public hospitals, established from state subsidies, have been increasing in regional towns to the older order hospitals of the Baroque period.
In 1754 he founded the Elizabethan Order in Cieszyn. In 1851, at the request of the priest Vavřinec Piontka, the branch office of this hospital in Jablunkov was established. It required the more reachable remote mountainous Jablunkov region. Parson Piontek wanted to establish a hospital in memory of the 50-year anniversary of his priesthood. He therefore contacted the Elizabeth Convent and the Damen-Verein association in Vienna.
The convent sent Bonaventura from the monastery in Cieszyn to Jablunkov, provided that a monastery was established at the hospital. Pastor Piontek donated 8000 gold to Elizabethan women. And owns house No. 80 for housing nuns. (To illustrate better: around 1850, the annual salary of a senior official was 500-700 gold, a teacher was 130, and a worker's annual salary 100-200 gold.
On October 4, 1851, the temporary hospital with six beds was consecrated. In 1852 the convent bought a small neighboring building no. 81. The building of the Old Monastery served as a hospital until 1928, and subsequently had various uses. For a while there used to be a grammar school, under the communist regime there was a bus garage or apartments for socially disadvantaged families.
Return to original appearance thanks to reconstruction
Since December 2016, the World Monastery and the Bible Library have been housed in the Old Monastery. Gradually, the whole monastery is reconstructed in order to return the building to its original appearance. Gradually, the beauties and advantages of the whole monastery are discovered.
You can support the reconstruction of the Old Monastery in the form of a public collection.
We would like to thank our partners and supporters who have made individual donations...

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